Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Solids ?!

At almost 4.5 months, Sulley and Colton are making progress in all sorts of ways.  Both of them have flipped over, found their hands, and are starting to reach and grab stuff.  Both are smiling and laughing and also making little attempts to 'talk'.  We've started them on solids and are continuing to introduce new foods.  We're trying to take it slow since neither of them are sitting up yet and frankly, there's no need to rush..  Thus far, Colton's favorite solid food is green beans.  Not surprising since green beans were the only vegetable other than corn on the cob that i ate as a child -- that is of course unless you count french fries as a veggie.   Sulley's doing okay too, but has developed quite a taste for one certain solid --- PLASTIC... plastic birds...more specifically, the blue plastic parrot on her rainforest bouncer.  Never in my life have I seen a child go to such great lengths to try and eat a fake plastic toy.  While strapped into her bouncey seat, Sulley will literally lean all the way over and try and insert the bird in her mouth.  She looked like Sylvester trying to eat Tweety bird!  Of course i was too late with my camera but managed to snap a few photos of a similar (yet not so extreme) effort.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Great pic! They're both getting so big. I can't wait to see them again.