Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Proposing Knee

Now that Colton "crawl dog" Allen has mastered crawling, he's working on pulling himself up. As you can see, he's gotten about half way there and loves the 'proposing knee' position. Sometimes he's gets so excited about trying to stand up that he pulls the toys on top of himself - it goes a little something like this -- Colton crawls to toy and pulls himself into position...he starts babbling to the toy and shakes it profusely while keeping his hands in lockdown position on the toy....we try to help him stand up but he doesnt want our help.... babbling, toy shaking and playing continue....we hear a loud thud...both colton and toys are upside down... colton cries for about 5 seconds, recovers... and he's happy again. Repeat.

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