Colton and Sulley ventured out today for their 4 month check up! They thoroughly enjoyed their visit with Dr. Myers and the nurses at NoVa Peds! The twins are continuing to catch up well with full term babies so Greg and I were pleased. Today, Sulley weighed in at 11.6 pounds and was 23 inches long; Colton was 10 pounds and 23 inches long. Both have met the important milestones of smiling, laughing, a little babbling, and sticking their fingers or fists in their mouths! We're continuing to work on rolling over and strengthening Colton's neck a little bit. It's time to start introducing solids so we're guaranteed to have some funny pictures and big messes! Prior to today, Colton and Sulley have already tried rice cereal, bananas (thanks GiGi) and well you know... a dab of this and that--sugar free chocolate pudding, hot fudge, banana pudding, etc. They've also licked/sucked a strawberry, a pretzel, and a peach! Big surprise, i know...Greg and I are such bad parents for letting them have fun prior to 4 months!
Here's hoping the food introduction goes well! Haaaaa!!!