Monday, June 23, 2008

The "other" Dr. Allen

Greg and I have taken it upon ourselves to change things up a bit with the kiddos regarding their medications and their own cocktail mixture that makes up their bottles. As a result, I've started to refer to greg as the "other" dr. allen! Not only did we decide to increase their Reglan dosage on or own, but we also took it upon ourselves to take them off the awful Pregestimil formula and put them on good ole Enfamil - a MILK based formula. We've decided that the whole milk protein intolerance issue is and that there is no need for me to be on a dairy free diet. (not that i really have, i've been eating all kinds of creamy foods, cheese, lasagnas, smoothies, and ice cream among others.) So far, the Enfamil seems to be well liked by the DP's. Besides, we couldn't help but to try a different formula since the DP's have decided to refuse any bottles that are partially mixed with Pregestimil.

Before switching reflux meds ourselves, we did finally pay a visit to the GI doc. It was a successful visit, we left with yet another increased dosage of Reglan and the DP's have been switched from Zantac to Prevacid!! YAY!!! We also found out that basically Mylacon isn't helpful, so save your money. REPEAT, SAVE YOUR MONEY on the useless drops. Don't ask me to explain this, but honestly I wasn't surprised to hear her tell us this as we've discovered the past few days that nothing helps Miss Sulley's daintly toots (hardly dainty!) ;)

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