Over the past couple of weeks, we've been thinking about investing in a nice camera! We figure it's time to move on past the basic digital point and shoot! After all, I've always been interested in photography but just never have never taken a class or taken it a step further. If you've never seen my work, i suggest you email me immediately and i'll send you some snippets of my work. (AKA the "artsy" photos I've taken while vacationing in St John. -- the flip flop photo, the corona commercial photo, and the pics of me holding the sun.)
After talking to various photog friends, I think we've decided on buying a Canon XTI! Greg had the chance to play the with the Canon last night and snapped a few shots. Once we actually purchase the camera and figure out how to use all the settings, we only hope our pics will be as good as the work of Justin, Kris, and Tim!
Talk to Jdog if you need any info. He recently got the xti.
Ah yes... the ol' holding the sun pic. A classic. I too have a flip flop pic that I took on my recent vacation. Maybe we can have a flip flop exhibit somewhere. Great pics with the Canon. Well as much as I wanted to be your family photographer I guess you won't need me as much once you master your own camera. Can't wait to see your new pics.
The pictures are beautiful - we should start a little photo club
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